Sunday, December 28, 2014

Codrin Bradea (Satana) Soundboard

Aplicatia pentru Android, Satana Soundboard este prima aplicatie in care apare celebrul youtuber Codrin Bradea. In aceasta aplicatie sunt 60 de inregistrari cu cele mai tari replici din Satana Games, Satana Cartoons si Sambata cu Satana.

Aplicatia este gratuita, si din pacate nu am reusit sa o public si pe Google Play Store. Poate fi descarcata de pe linkul meu de Google Drive.

Click aici pentru a downloada aplicatia de pe contul meu de Google Drive.

Am pus si 4 screenshoturi, cu pagina meniu si cele 3 pagini cu inregistrari:

Aplicatia poate fi descarcata si prin scanarea acestui QR Code:

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Angry Grandpa Soundboard

This is the newest Angry Grandpa Soundboard, released on November 25 2014. It has 125 sounds of the well known character from the Angry Grandpa Show on Youtube.

These 125 sounds are on 5 pages. This is the BIGGEST Angry Grandpa soundboard ever made. It includes curses, farts, laughts and screams. Enjoy!

Click Here to Download the app from my Google Drive.

Here are 6 screenshots, the main menu and the 5 pages of the app: 

*If you like my app share the link of this page or the QR Code.

angry grandpa soundboard

**I'm a beginner in creating apps, this is my first app, created with MIT App Inventor.